Legal Notices

The French Branch of Traverse International Finance Limited is a mortgage brokerage authorised in France, registered as an intermediary in banking operations and payment services in the unique register of intermediaries held by the ORIAS ( under Register number 22006503.

Registered Office: 55 Baker Street, London W1U 8AN.

SIREN: 918364779

NAF Code: 7022Z

RCS Code: 552 119 455, Paris

Legal form: Limited liability company from a non-EC member state or a state not party to the European Economic Area Agreement. Share Capital £2.

The Director of Traverse International Finance and this publication is Simon Gammon. The Company Secretary of Traverse International Finance is Vanessa Shakespeare.

Traverse International Finance charges a fee for intermediation services that is outlined in the Entry / Initial Disclosure Document that is provided to our clients. Traverse International Finance may also receive introduction/procuration fees from lenders which are fully disclosed to our clients. Traverse International Finance cannot take fees before the delivery of the mortgage funds.

If you have a complaint or claim, please contact Adrian Vickery,, or write to us at Traverse International Finance, 55 Baker Street, London W1U 8AN.

If we cannot resolve your complaint or claim you can contact the mediator, ANM Conso. You can submit your case online at or by post to: ANM Conso – 2, rue de Colmar – 94300 VINCENNES. You can view the ANM Conso Mediation Charter here.

The supervisory authority is the Autorite de Controle Prudentiel et de Resolution (ACPR), 4 Place de Budapest, 75009 PARIS cedex 9:

This website is hosted by Episerver AB, (t/a Optimizely), Box 7007, 103 86 Stockholm, Sweden. Phone: +1 603 594 0249

A mortgage commits you and must be repaid. Check your borrowing capacity before committing yourself. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up with mortgage payments.